Ambedkar biography Jayanti in PDF

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar is also known by the name Babasaheb. Ambedkar ji is one of them, who had contributed in making the constitution of India. Ambedkar ji was a well-known politician and eminent jurist. He did many movements to eradicate untouchability and casteism from the country. He gave his whole life to the poor, worked hard for the rights of Dalits and backward castes. After independence, Ambedkar was made the Law Minister for the first time in Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s cabinet. Ambedkar ji was awarded the country’s biggest honor Bharat Ratna in 1990 for his good work and a lot for the country.Ambedkar biography Jayanti in PDF

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Caste Discrimination and Early Life (BR Ambedkar Caste Issue and Early Life)

Ambedkar ji had seen about untouchability from his childhood, he belonged to the Hindu Mehar caste, which was considered low and the upper caste people considered it a sin to even touch him. Because of this, Ambedkar ji had to face discrimination in many places in the society. Ambedkar had to suffer this discrimination and humiliation even in the army school where he used to study, the children of his caste were not allowed to sit inside the class. Even the teachers did not pay attention to them. Here they were not allowed to even touch the water, the peon of the school used to give them water by pouring it from above, the day the peon did not come, they did not even get water.

Education of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (BR Ambedkar Education)

After his family shifted to Bombay, Ambedkar ji studied in Bombay only. Let us tell you that he got married at the age of 15 and after that in 1908 he passed the 12th examination. After completing his schooling, Ambedkar ji got an opportunity to go to Elphinstone College, Bombay for further studies, he was very good and sharp minded in studies, he passed all the exams well, so he got admission in Baroda’s Gaikwad. Started getting scholarship of Rs.25 every month from Raja Sahyaji. He completed his graduation in Political Science and Economics in 1912. He thought of investing his scholarship money in further studies and went to America for further studies.


Career of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (BR Ambedkar Career)

After returning from America, the king of Baroda made him the defense minister in his kingdom. But even here the disease of untouchability did not leave him, despite being in such a big position, he had to face humiliation many times. With the help of the Bombay Governor, he became Professor of Political Economy at the Syndrome College of Commerce and Economics, Bombay. Ambedkar ji wanted to study further, so he once again went out of India to England, this time he bore the burden of his own expenses. Here London University honored him with the award of DSC. Ambedkar ji spent some time at Bonn University in Germany, where he studied more in economics. On June 8, 1927, he was awarded the great title of Doctrate at Columbia University.


Poor health of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (BR Ambedkar Health Issue)

Ambedkar’s wife Ramabai died in 1935 due to prolonged illness. After completing the draft of the Indian Constitution in 1940, he was surrounded by many diseases. He could not sleep at night, pain in his feet and diabetes also increased, due to which he had to take insulin. For treatment, he went to Bombay where he met a Brahmin doctor, Sharda Kabir. He found a new life partner in the form of Dr. He married for the second time on 15 April 1948 in Delhi.


Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Dalit Movement (BR Ambedkar Dalit Movement)

After returning to India, Ambedkar ji launched a front against untouchability and casteism, which was no less than a disease, it was breaking the country into many parts and which had become very necessary to be removed from the country. Ambedkar ji said that there should be a separate election system in the country for the lower castes, tribes and Dalits, they should also get full rights to participate in the country’s elections. Ambedkar ji also put forward the matter of their reservation. Ambedkar ji went to many parts of the country, explained to the people there that the old practice prevalent is a social evil, it should be uprooted and thrown away. He started a news paper ‘Mooknayaka’ (Leader of Silent). Once after listening to his speech in a rally, Shahukar, the ruler of Kolhapur, resigned from his post. There was a lot of hue and cry about this thing in the whole country, this thing had given a new direction to the politics of the country.


Political journey of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (BR Ambedkar Political Life)

In 1936, Ambedkar ji formed the Swatantra Mazdoor Party. In the 1937 Central Assembly elections, his party won 15 seats. Ambedkar ji converted his party into All India Scheduled Caste Party, with this party he stood in the Constituent Assembly elections in 1946, but his party had a very poor performance in the elections. Congress and Mahatma Gandhi gave the name Harijan to the untouchable people, so that everyone started calling them Harijan, but Ambedkar ji did not like this at all and he opposed that thing. He said that untouchables are also a part of our society, they are also normal human beings like other people.


Ambedkar ji was kept in the Defense Advisory Committee and he was made the Minister of Labor in the Viceroy’s Executive Council. He became the first Law Minister of independent India, despite being a Dalit, becoming a minister was a big title for him.

Formation of Constitution by Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar (BR Ambedkar Father of Indian Constitution)

Bhimrao Ambedkar was made the chairman of the constitution formation committee. He was also called a scholar and a famous scholar. Ambedkar ji worked as a bridge to connect different castes of the country with each other, he used to emphasize on equal rights for all. According to Ambedkar ji, if the different castes of the country do not end their fight with each other, then the country can never be united.

Conversion of Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar to Buddhism (BR Ambedkar in Buddhism)

In 1950, Ambedkar went to Sri Lanka to attend an intellectual conference, where his life changed. He was highly influenced by Buddhism, and he decided to convert. After returning to India from Sri Lanka, he wrote a book about Buddhists and their religion and converted himself into this religion. In his speech, Ambedkar ji strongly condemned Hindu customs and caste division. In 1955, he formed the Bharatiya Boudhya Mahasabha. His book ‘The Buddha and his religion’ was celebrated after his death.


On October 14, 1956, Ambedkar ji organized a public meeting, where he got his 5 lakh supporters converted to Buddhism. Ambedkar ji went there to attend the Fourth World Buddhist Conference held in Kathmandu. On 2 December 1956, he completed the manuscript of his book ‘The Buddha and Karl Marx’.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar’s Death and Reason (Bhimrao Ambedkar Death and Reason)

At the time of 1954-55, Ambedkar ji was very worried about his health, he was surrounded by diabetes, blurred vision and many other diseases. He breathed his last on 6 December 1956 at his home in Delhi. He had accepted Buddhism in his life, so his last rites were performed according to the customs of Buddhism.

When is Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti in 2023 (Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar Jayanti 2023 Date)

Due to the incredible works of Ambedkar ji, his birthday on 14th April was celebrated as Ambedkar Jayanti. This day has been declared a national holiday, on this day all government and private institutions, schools and colleges have a holiday. It was Ambedkar who started reservation for Dalits and low castes, the country is still indebted to him for his work. His statues were made in many cities of the country as a mark of respect. The whole country bows down to Ambedkar ji.

Ambedkar biography Jayanti in PDF



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